Technical Program Committee Chair
Dr. Chih-Huang Weng, Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, I-Shou UniversityTechnical Program Committee (TPC)
Dr. H. Sally Xie, Department of Technology, Illinois State University, USADr. Yao-Tung Lin, Lifetime Distinguished Professor, Department of Soil and Environmental Sciences, National Chung Hsing University
Dr. Zhimin Qiang, Professor/Director, State Key Laboratory of Environmental Aquatic Chemistry, Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Dr. Malek Hassanpour, Department of Environmental Science, Osmania University, India
Dr. Ali Al-Balhawi, Department of civil engineering, College of engineering, Mustansiriyah University, Iraq
Dr. Ehsan Dadkhah, Department of Civil and Environment Engineering, University of Tabriz, Iran
Dr. Yap Soon Poh, Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Malaya, Malaysia
Prof. Marco Guerrieri, Department of Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering, University of Trento, Italy
Dr. Anoop Kumar Shukla, Manipal School of Architecture and Planning, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, India
Prof. Pavlo Maruschak, Department of Industrial Automation, Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University, Ukraine
Prof. Xiuhong Li,State Key Laboratory of Remote Sensing Science, College of Global Change and Earth System Science, Beijing Normal University, China
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